Diverse experience, diverse cities
For many years in Chicago and Baltimore/DC, Oriana Parker excelled at writing and creative management for prestigious advertising agencies including McCann-Erickson and Needham, Harper & Steers. (Her resume lists almost a dozen awards.) International corporations such as Marriott, Inc., Proctor & Gamble, Searle Scientific Research Instruments as well as such important national government agencies such as The Department of Health, Education and Welfare have also used her freelance creative services.
Relocating to Phoenix, Arizona in 1989, this writer has worked on myriad products and services; ranging from consumer goods and tourism to education, from fine art to health care services. The client list includes Arizona State University and the Scottsdale Convention and Visitors Bureau as well as the Arizona Republic and Arizona Attorney Magazine. |
Comprehensive management style welcomed by clients
Impressive as Oriana's track record is, clients are equally impressed by her comprehensive management style. She believes that keeping the client in the loop is of paramount importance. It's a policy that she employs with all project assignments. This inclusive approach consistently saves clients both time and money.
Another integral part of Oriana's management style for writing advertisements, articles, press kits, brochures, websites, newsletters and bios is a strong emphasis on research. In her mind, becoming well acquainted with a client's goals and objectives for their product and/or service is imperative. (Not to mention becoming well versed with what the competition is doing!) Oriana's decades of experience in the Southwest and the Midwest and on the East Coast combine with a strong academic background serve to implement research techniques.
Clients seeking to implement a multi-task operation appreciate the fact that Oriana can assemble a creative team (Working as a creative director as well as a writer, the lady is accustomed to approaching a job from both verbal and visual angles.) Thanks to extensive contacts, this writer has worked extensively with art directors and designers, digital experts, web designers, and photographers.
Of course, the most important consideration for writing jobs is a way with words. However, before reading examples of her writing ability, why not first meet Oriana? Click
here for the Biography page...